Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Interference (?)

The former Inspector-General of Police of Malaysia (the top cop of the country) said that there was excessive interference in police work. He was quoted saying "All kinds of people interfere. People from the ministry itself, outsiders and people with vested interest who want to do things that are not right". He went on to say "The ministry I mentioned is the Home Ministry, of course".

Pic obtained from UMNO online

The Home Ministry interfering with the police?

Well, dun take my word for it - the top cop should know best! Read the news report here.

The Secretary General of the Home Ministry has denied this in a later news report (see here).

OK. Something is not right here. I do not know what is the real story but it HAS to be one of these:-

1. The former IGP is a liar; or
2. The Sec-Gen of the Home Ministry is a liar; or
3. The Sec-Gen has no idea of the interference that is going on; or
4. The former IGP had been mistaken.

I can't think of any other possibilities. Can you? Let me know - it'll be appreciated.

The first 3 possibilities are worrying. The last one? Well, worrying too - the IGP has been serving all this time under the impression of there being interference by the government?

Malaysia boleh!

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