Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cops scared of criminals

The headlines read:-

Parliament: Cops scared of crooks, so base closed!

Read the report here.

What the...????

Ah, the statement was made none other than our Home Minister, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid. Yes, yes Datuk Seri has been appearing a lot in this blog. But he does entertaining us, doesn't he?

So a police beat base was closed cuz the cops feared for their own safety! Datuk Seri said that the presence of criminals posed a threat to the safety of the police officers! But isn't that the reason why the beat base is there? Why have one when there are no criminals around?

What is even more alarming is that the reply given by Datuk Seri was a written reply - it wasn't something he just said at the spur of the moment, being caught off guard and ended up putting his foot into his mouth.

Let me reproduce some of the comments made by the opposition MPs as they reflect my sentiments exactly:-

“The minister has to resign if he is worried about the safety of police in that area. Maybe it would be better to put the beat base in army barracks.”

“The police are there to make a place safe. If they themselves are scared and run away, then how can we hope for others to want to be there? It is embarrassing and that is why the criminals will always be there.”

Cops afraid of criminals. Just like getting a cat which is scared of mice.

Malaysia boleh!

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