Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More lies?

When asked if he would meet Anwar if there was a request, Abdullah said he would.
Reported on 16 September 2008 here.

When asked if he would entertain Anwar’s request to have a meeting to ensure a smooth and peaceful transition of power, Abdullah rejected the idea.

"There is no reason for me to meet him..."
Reported also on 16 September 2008 in the same newspapers here.

Malaysia boleh!


Anonymous said...

while i understand the point you're trying to make about badawi "lying" about deciding to meet anwar, i'd like to bring up a point of contention regarding the contexts of both scenarios. a meeting with someone to discuss the issues malaysia is facing is grossly different from a meeting with someone who has clearly stated that they want your position as the leader of a country.

for the record though, i'm neither for nor against either politician (yes yes, strong convictions aren't particularly my forte), but logically, i see no problem with badawi choosing to not meet anwar to discuss an issue as sensitive as a transition of power - especially when like it or not, badawi remains our head honcho.

countless people have told me that his refusal to meet the PKR leader are indicative of a cowardly behavior - i think otherwise. it has never been a proven point (and i hope that it never becomes one) that a leader has to meet man-to-man with his challenger to prove his resolve/character/manliness. badawi choosing to meet with anwar would be akin to asking for trouble. to say that anwar (or our PM, for that matter) would conduct himself in a professional manner throughout, none of us can guarantee.

inviting someone into your territory who you know has all the intention in the world of kicking you out of power, in my opinion, is pretty pointless. should the meeting occur and anwar get his point across, he would be championed as the victor, while badawi would again be badgered as being "soft" or should he complain or even appear to complain, a wimp.

and even if not on a professional level, personally, i wouldn't invite/allow someone who wants me out of my job into my house to discuss his "smooth transition" as my replacement. if you would be happy to do it, then i applaud your guts.

in any case, not trying to be a horrid person and argue your every point. just thought that there are certainly more than one way to view moves our prime minister (and every other politician) chooses to make. healthy debates are just that - healthy.

imissw said...

i think you missed the point of my post.

but feel free to air yr views here if you want to.