It's gonna be the Independence Day celebration here in Malaysia soon. You'll be seeing the Malaysian flag all over the place, giving the impression of the spirit of patriotism.
Pic taken from The Star
But does it really reflect how the people feel? I would think most of the people who fly the flag are doing so not because they are patriotic. I have my reasons to think so. I for one will have to admit and confess that in all my adult life, i never felt the urge to fly the flag.
But there is now proof that some people are forced to fly the flag. Traders were told to fly the flag or lose their trading license!!!!! No kidding. You can read the report
I am told that this
threat directive has been withdrawn. If it has, it still does not change the fact that we've got leaders who think in this manner!!!
I have to say that with all due respect, the Ipoh mayor has really lost the plot. What is the purpose of flying the flag? There are things which you cannot force people to do - for it would lose its meaning and be pointless. Like you cannot force someone to love you.
Missed the point!
But this is how it is in this country. If the leaders want the people to show their love for the country, they threaten the people!!!!!